5 Best Things From Daredevil Season 2

Daredevil Season 2 dropped all of its episodes on Friday afternoon and I was done watching all of them by Saturday night. Maybe there’s something wrong with me. Just maybe.
Let’s talk about some of the things I liked most about the second season.

1. The Punisher


This has got to be the greatest addition to the new season. Jon Bernthal plays Frank Castle a.k.a The Punisher this season and it was absolutely awesome to watch him in action.
His character was introduced in the first episode and was regarded to be a by product of the activities of Daredevil. It is argued in the show as to whether the Daredevil did more bad than good as he gave way to men like these.
He plays a truly damaged person who is on the brink of insanity and believes that what he does is something which might not be good, but is necessary. You can see the rage in his eyes and the drive he has and it’s truly mesmerizing to watch him take people down with guns, knives and sometimes his bare hands. You don’t always agree with the things he does on screen but he’s extremely fun to watch.
The performance given by Jon Bernthal was really brilliant. He was the best part of almost every scene he was in and he left us begging for more. He almost stole the show from Daredevil himself.
All in all The Punisher was a complete Badass and I can’t wait to see more of him.


2. The Action


We all love epic beatdowns and this show is filled with them. Almost every episode delivers at least one great action scene and each one of them are executed extremely well.
We get some brilliantly choreographed and well executed fistfights. These are the kind of scenes that after you’re done watching for the first time, you hit rewind and watch again. The actors and their stunt doubles did a really great job and definitely topped the action sequences from the first season.
We got Hallway Fight 2.0 this season and it definitely topped the one from the first season. This one had a lot more energy and it went on for longer. They go from an elevator to a hallway and down a few floors via the staircase and its all shot to perfection.


My favorite fight scene involved the Punisher working his way through a wave of prison inmates. The sheer brutality and how dirty the action was made it stand out. Maybe I just can’t get enough of The Punisher killing the shit out of people.


I find it really impressive that we’re getting such great action from a TV Show.

3. Stick


We only got one episode which starred stick last season. He was good in the first season but I didn’t really care if he came back or not.
This season he really shined. He was given more screen time and a proper back story. We delve deeper into what his character is all about and he becomes an essential part of this season.
All in all he was a really cool character to watch and I’m glad they decided to include him in this season.

4. The Cinematography


This show has brilliant cinematography. The use of color and lighting is excellent and each frame looks pretty.
Its great to see this level of professionalism in a TV show. The great cinematography definitely adds more the show. The action looks better and the blood looks redder. They also make New York look like a really beautiful city. There’s also an excellent fight between Daredevil and The Punisher which is very well executed by the use of water to add depth to the scene.

Click away now if you don’t want to learn too much about the show as the next thing I’m gonna talk about is a spoiler.
You have been warned.

5. The Kingpin


I wasn’t expecting the return of the Kingpin and to my surprise, I enjoyed him more in this season that I had in the previous one. He had a few very powerful scenes which really showed how much he had evolved over time and the performance given by Vincent D’Onofrio was excellent. He doesn’t go too over the top and doesn’t underwhelm you either. Its a really balanced performance and definitely one of the best things about the second season.

That’s it for today guys! My 5 Worst Things About Daredevil Season 2 will be up shortly. See you soon.

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